Recipes for Making Your Own Oatmeal Facials

By Cattleya Perkins

Do you want clear, clean and beautiful complexions that are the envy of every woman This beautiful complexion is important especially for the face. Many will spend hundred on expensive products or professional beauty spas.

But most of us cannot afford to spend that kind of money on skin care and spa treatments. Achieve the same results with some skin care products you can make at home. It might surprise you to find that many of the natural products you have in your kitchen can make a great facial scrub. You'll see some great ideas below.

The first recipe includes a tablespoon of oatmeal powder, a single egg white, and a few drops of lemon oil. Lemon oil can be found in most natural or homeopathic stores or in the organic section of your grocery store. Make your own oatmeal powder by grinding some oatmeal that you have on hand. You don't want to use the instant kind, however. Because of the egg in the mixture, it is really important to mix the ingredients together completely. Taking care to avoid your eyes, spread the mixture on your face. Allow mask to dry completely, which should take about twenty minutes. Once dry, use water and a soft washcloth to wash it off. Pulverize some oatmeal in your blender or food processor. In an isolated container, mingle a couple of tablespoons of honey with a quarter cup of plain yogurt of buttermilk. Augment this "wet" mixture with your "dry" mixture and jumble until you have formed a paste. Put the mixture on all over your face with your fingers. Be watchful to stay away from your eyes and the area around them because this skin is quite sensitive, which includes raw ingredients. Permit this paste to stay on your face for around fifteen minutes or so, until it begins to dry out. Put clean and warm water to use for washing the paste off your face. If you have any to spare, put it away in the fridge for tomorrow (however don't save it for more than a day). This mix is lenient enough that you can use it daily if you have the yearning.

You can also try dampening three tablespoons of oatmeal with a bit of water and adding two teaspoons of witch hazel. Mix together, then, apply to your face with upward, circular motions. Thoroughly rinse your face with clean water, after letting the mixture sit for a moment or two. Use a soft, dry towel to gently pat your face dry.

There are lots of great ways that you can improve the condition of your skin with oatmeal. Lots of people who specialize in skin care recommend using oatmeal if you want to make your own homemade facials as one of your Meaningful Beauty routine. But these facial recipes are just the beginning, because there are thousands available.

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