Popular Treatments For Acne Scars

By Eela Kooda

One of the most traumatic health issues affecting young and old alike is the presence of acne scars. While mild scarring can often be masked, serious scar incidences are almost impossible to ignore. For those who suffer from these blemishes, the need for an effective treatment can be all-consuming.

Any scar can make a person feel self-conscious, but since this scarring is often centered on the face and neck of its victims, it can be particularly distressing. Fortunately, there are a number of different treatment options for people who are determined to get rid of their scarring once and for all.

Laser the scar away

Most people have heard of laser therapy for scar removal. This is a process where lasers technology is utilized for removing the epidermal layer where most surface scarring is evident. At the same time that this skin is burned away, the underlying dermal layer is heated so that a wound forms. As that skin heals, it forms a new, healthier layer of epidermis. Even where scar tissue is not completely removed, remaining blemishes are usually harder to see.

Brushing away the scar tissue

Often times, less sever scarring is managed through the use of dermal abrasion therapy. Using a brush, the epidermis is removed, along with the surface scar tissue. Though this is an effective method for removing light scarring, deep scarring requires even more invasive procedures.

Surgical techniques

Those procedures often involve surgical techniques that are designed to simply cut away the deep scar tissue. Of course, this method also requires grafts to plug the holes. Since it is such an invasive process, most doctors reserve the surgical option for instances in which other therapies do not work.

In most instances, experts recommend that natural substances be tried before any of these other methods are applied to scar tissue. Many times, tea tree products, lemons, and various skin creams can work to make surface scar blemishes fade. When these natural treatments prove effective in reducing acne scars, those more complicated therapies can often be avoided.

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1 comment:

  1. Nowadays, for women and men who suffer from severe acne scars, there are many different methods such as laser treatment or fraxel procedure. Unfortunately, these acne scar treatments can have certain side effects. But, if a qualified, skilled and experienced doctor is used, then these negative effects will surely be avoided.
